The work begins with a curiosity of making and uses it as a tool to express the surrounding world. Combining drawing types, the images are seamlessly superimposed on top of one another. The viewer can interpret scale, volume or texture as it relates to the image before them and to their own body.
The body of work is used as a vehicle to explore ideas of the process of making. Understanding process is critical for exploration, iteration and the editing of ideas. Through an engagement of process, ideas can be tested. Process can begin to guide the work by articulating intent.
Through intense making exercises, the work explores the relationship of the space occupied while testing various restrictions such as time, materials, or physical limitations. Prescriptive assignments are derived through which subtle variations can be examined within. This allows for the work in its many forms to explore the ritual of craft and the experience through its tools, its tactility, and space of intellectual focus and concentration.
an evaluation or awareness of process can act as a springboard for future explorations. the body of work becomes traces of active engagement and a record of experiences learned.