the tiny libraries
creston school in se portland, or was having their annual fundraiser. they solicited parents to participate in raising money, solicit local businesses to procure donated items, or in this case build tiny libraries and donate them to the school for the auction.
materials were donated by, mr. plywood, a local lumber supplier. these materials will become part of the design process, a palette from which to design within. In the end, (6) libraries will be created. the libraries will be painted by children from the school and auctioned off at the fundraiser.
fall 2019 is design and materials gathering
january 2020 is fabrication
february 2020 the creston kids painted the libraries
march 2020 was the live auction. the (6) libraries raised more than $1900 for creston school. (yay)
thank you to everyone who helped and played a role in their creation.